Conférence de Robert Nelson “Settling in the Borderlands: Max Sering in Strasbourg, the North American West, and the Polish East”

Événement passé
16 octobre 2023
15h 17h
Amphi du Collège Doctoral Européen

Robert L. Nelson is Head of the Department of History at the University of Windsor in Canada. In 2024 Cambridge University Press will publish his book Frontiers of Empire: Max Sering, Inner Colonization, and the German East, 1871-1945. His revised Cambridge dissertation appeared in 2011 as German Soldier Newspapers of the First World War. Earlier he published the edited volume Germans, Poland, and Colonial Expansion to the East: 1850 Through the Present (2009). He has won fellowships from the Killam Trust, the Humboldt Foundation, and was a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at the City University of New York, Graduate Center.


L’historien canadien Robert Nelson parlera de Max Sering, Nationalökonom, qui a été formé par les Kathedersozialisten de Strasbourg (Lujo Brentano, Harry Breslau…) avant de devenir un des protagonistes d’une agriculture américaine adaptée aux confins de l’Est, sur l’arrière-plan du morcellement excessif des exploitations alsaciennes.

Projet de recherche DPWS "Strasbourg-Poznan" et le master Euroculture

Conférence en anglais à l'amphithéâtre du CDE (Collège doctoral européen)

46 Bd de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg

Lien pour participer en visio

CV Robert Nelson