Søren Hjortshøj Chercheur post-doc au Département d'études nord-européennes



  • Chercheur post-doc au Département D'etudes Nord-Européenne, dans le cadre du groupe de recherche "Esthétique du protestantisme en Europe du Nord".

Domaines d'enseignement

  • Littérature, culture et histoire scandinaves modernes, par exemple le cours "The Modern Breakthrough and the Nordic Welfare States"

Recherches en cours

Le projet postdoc et le prochain livre Protestant Aesthetics of the Nordic Welfare State,


  •  Management of collective works or journal issues
  •  Book chapters, contributions to collectives and articles in peer-reviewed journals and magazines
  •  Translations

Scholarly Publications

  1. 2021: Editing, translation (along with Simon Palmer) and excerpt selection of Henri Nathansen’s Indenfor Murene (Inside the Walls) (1912) to Volume 7 of the Posen Library, an encyclopedic anthology of Jewish Culture and Civilization, edited by Israel Bartal (Hebrew Uni. of Jerusalem) and Kenneth Moss (John Hopkins University). Published on Yale University Press in collaboration with the Posen Foundation (Accepted/ in press).
  2. 2021: The article “Georg Brandes’ Erasing of Cosmopolitanism and Jewishness” will appear in Lasse Horne Kjældgaard & Jens Bjerrring-Hansen (ed.): The Internationalist Moment. Ideas and Politics in the Making of Georg Brandes as a Public Intellectual (in process).
  3. 2021: “Georg Simmel’s Stranger, Moritz Lazarus’ “Was heisst National?” and the Jewish Question of the Fin-de-siècle Period” in the Jewish Studies anthology: Jews and Strangers (ed. Catherine Bartlett & Joachim Schlör) on Brill.
  4. 2021: Son of Spinoza. Georg Brandes and the Modern Jewish Cosmopolitanism (my dissertation reworked), Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2021.
  5. 2021: The essay”Georg Simmel’s Exkurs über den Fremden and the Jewish Question of the Fin-de- siècle Period” will be published in Jewish Quarterly Review (JQR) 111.2, University of Penn Press.
  6. 2020: The article “Boundaries of the Stranger” is published in the European Journal of Scandinavian Studies, Vol. 2020/02, De Gruyter.
  7. 2020: “Georg Brandes and the Transnational Vision” in the comparative literature/ Jewish Studies anthology: Places and Media of Encounters. Transfer, Mediality and Situative of Jewish Literature" (ed. by Olaf Terpitz and Marianne Windsperger), Leiden: Brill, 2020.
  8. 2019: “”It is Hellas and Israel to which Europe owes its culture” – Georg Brandes’ Re- Interpretations of the Athens vs. Jerusalem Dichotomy” in Jewish Cultural History: boundaries, experiences, and sense-making (ed. Maja Gildin Zuckermann and Jakob Egholm Feldt), London: Routledge, 2019. ISBN: 9780429324048.
  9. 2018: Georg Brandes’ Representations of Jewishness: Between Grand Recreations of the Past and Transformative Visions of the Future. PhD Dissertation: Roskilde University, 2018.
  10. 2016: “Georg Brandes’ moderne jøde: om en rodfæstet og åben kosmopolitisme” (“Georg Brandes’ modern Jew: A rooted and open cosmopolitanism”) in Kritik (ed. Elisabeth Friis & Ursula Andkjær Olsen), vol. 216-217: 2016, ISBN: 9788702202762.
  11. 2012: Borges og Gauchofortællingerne (Borges and the Gaucho Stories), Copenhagen: Forlaget Spring, 2012 (processed book version of my Master’s Thesis). ISBN: 978-87-92381-381-37- 8.

Other Publications/ Journalism

  1. 2020: In October, Thomas Mohnike and I had the essay “En sekulær munk” published in the Danish magazine Atlas. The essay is about the climate change crisis comparing Greta Thunberg’s historical role to the Protestant revivalist movements. Read it here: ttps://atlasmag.dk/samfund/en-sekulær-munk
  2. 2019: Co-editing of the 2019 annual edition of Rambam (together with Cecilie Speggers Schrøder), a journal that focuses on the Danish Jewish cultural history.
  3. 2019: In June 2019, Kristelig Dagblad interviewed me on my PhD on Brandes: www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/kultur/mange-mente-georg-brandes-umuligt-kunne-bidrage- til-dansk-kultur-fordi-han-var-joede.
  4. 2019: Chronicle in the Danish newspaper Kristelig Dagblad: ”Det jødiske miljø hvor Lykke-Per forløser sine visioner” (on the 12th of February, 2019, ”The Jewish environment of Henrik Pontoppidan’s Lucky-Per). The chronicle was about Bille August’s film version of Nobel Prize winner Henrik Pontoppidan’s Lykke-Per (1898-1904/05).